I asked the Old Ones what they wished to share with you, my readers, today. Knight of Cups, who visited recently for the Equinox.
The wise elders from the Neolithic era communicate through the astral realm, as they do with the modern coven in my novel, The Working. Today they say:
See the image of the knight astride a horse, pale blue the predominant color of the card. Pale blue, the color of Air, of communication. The knight’s helmet and shoes bear messenger wings. While the image does not show the contents of the golden cup in hand, you know its contents or lack of contents. This is your outstretched hand, your goblet. You know if you reach out for others to fill it, signaling a need unfilled. You know if you reach out to offer the contents to others, perhaps to fill their needs. It is time for discernment. Be honest about your needs and do not push them ahead of yourself like a herald. Know when to offer, and do so from the generosity of an open heart. Assure that your giving and receiving come from a centered place. Like the horse beneath the rider, your body will tell you when you are in balance: when true reciprocity moves you forward.
~ Annia, for the Old Ones