Many have asked why I use the word Witch. “Aren’t you afraid of being excluded, marginalized, or worse?” Like others, I reclaim the word Witch as a descriptor of my Earth-based spiritual path.
I wonder your reaction to the word.
To some, Witch is a hateful word, an evil word.
To some, it’s a sensationalized word used to shock.
To some, Witch is a laughable cartoonish figure like a Halloween inflatable you might find on a lawn.
Even as the Witch path, Witchcraft, is growing worldwide, there remains much bias and stereotyping.
There are many paths and traditions of Witches and Witchcraft. Different cultures use the word in different ways.
I’m proud to be part of the non-hierarchical, feminist, antiracist, activist, evolving Reclaiming Tradition. Those in my tradition reclaim the word Witch.
Notice whether or not you perpetuate Witch stereotypes, intentionally or not. Consider reframing Witch in your spoken and written words, in your work and play, in your life.
For more about this Witch: Me.