The veil is thin and it’s time for Witches and various traditions to commune with our ancestors of blood and legacy. Last month at my tradition’s international gathering, we crafted a spell that we’ll continue to work through this season:
We reclaim the threads of magic that span time to weave a safe, just and resilient future, now!
At the 40th Reclaiming Spiral Dance, more than a thousand came together with our Ancestors and Mighty Dead to raise energy for this working. It’s more important than ever to weave activism into your path. This year we invoked Activists among Deities at the Spiral Dance. Here’s a peak at some of the signs we painted representing actions that Reclaiming folx have been involved with over the decades. The signs were carried during the invocation amidst activist chants.
And when you take a stand,
I’m the courage that binds you,
I’m in the streets, I take your hand,
I’m marching beside you.
There is no end to the circle, no end,
There is no end to life, there is no end.
[excerpt from a song by Starhawk]
Will you reclaim a thread of this magic and weave it into your workings for a safe, just and resilient future now?
What does a safe, just, resilient world look like to you?
How will you work to create this now?
A side note for Samhain, which is Halloween in the US, the time of year where stereotypes of Witches abound, some more benign than others. As I said about language and words, symbols have power. Won’t you join me in respecting Witchcraft and Witches at least as much as the more common religions? Discourage wicked witch, sexy witch, ugly witch, broomstick witch and other degrading images especially by non-Witches. Stick with pumpkins.
Fruitful Samhain and blessed New Year…the year of a safe, just, and resilient world!