Our group of humans explored We, The Earth, decentering and connecting with kin. We opened. We listened. What did our nonhuman Earth kin wish we humans to know and do? What did they wish us to offer to the wider community in ritual?
Here, unedited, is what brackin, Stephanie, sisal, Sophia, Bendis, Starcompost, Julia, and I received:
Opening from heartCalming Sink instead of raising energy Sense of Ahhhh Just a few words among the ooohs and ahhs and singing Open and be one with We open and connect and listen. Over and over, like a wave (water and wind) We’re always here Calm steady background beat with oohs and ahhs. You feed us in ways you don't know We are soothed Soothe and be soothed Slow down, listen. Quiet Give us quiet ssssshhhhh ahhh---sssshhhh words coming until they don't come anymore connection, being part of rather than separate from not observers, all active participants Opening, connecting, sowing over and over Over and over and over
This lovely song came through brackin that we used to seed the evening ritual:
Sowing and growing Connecting and flowing We open. We listen We are one!! Sowing and growing Connecting and flowing We open. We listen We are We!!
In sacred space, we gifted the feeling of the above to the wider community and a beautiful song-poem emerged from their reactions that was an offering back to the Earth. I’ll leave you with some silent beauty of our nonhuman kin who said repeatedly
We are the teachers. Listen.