A Workshop with Starhawk & BrightFlame
NYC Saturday, Feb 24, 2018
In these troubled times, our bright hopes can easily get buried under the sleet of outrage, fatigue and despair. Yet we desperately need to keep alive the spark of resistance–and more: of vision for a better world and determination to create it.
What stories are we telling and being told, about ourselves, about the world, about what is possible? In this one-day workshop, we’ll reframe them, and look for the allies–spiritual and mundane–who will offer enCOURAGEment and help us transform the world through our visions and actions. We’ll use the tools of magic–ritual, chanting, storytelling, meditation and trance–to feed our creativity and strengthen our will.
This workshop is perfect for Pagans and non-Pagans, activists, artists and writers, and anyone who wants to recharge and stand in their power. The world needs each of us. It’s time to create the just, regenerating world where we all thrive.
This will sell out in advance, register soon.