I’ve offered so many workshops and classes over the past few decades and enjoy crafting the perfect experiential, immersive exercises for each topic. I enjoy customizing the experience on the fly, once I meet participants. Like priestessing a ritual, I create a detailed plan, but watch the energy and assure flow. The richness and magic that comes through! Whew!
serve as the guidepost to bring forth your experiences, your insights, and those of the Mysterious Ones.
I hope you’ll join me down the line. Here’s a sampling of past offerings–see my separate post for Reclaiming core classes:
EIEIO: Creating Ritual in the Reclaiming Tradition
Experience and help create ritual as BrightFlame takes us through visioning and components of ritual in her unique fashion. Whether new to the Craft or you have years of experience in Reclaiming or other paths, you will have an opportunity to grow your skills as we co-create a ritual. What is EIEIO? Come and find out! This begins BrightFlame’s series of workshops on working with energy for magic, ritual, activism….and life.
Understanding and Shaping Energy Patterns
Learn the language of energy—how it moves and flows—and apply these patterns and grids to your magic, to activism and to life. These techniques for reading and shaping energy will help you act more effectively in the world. We will explore ways to identify an energy pattern, and learn to use one pattern to alter another. We will also learn how to channel energy through grids and patterns of various shapes. Some examples: you’ve raised energy in a ritual by having participants dance around and sing and shout, yet how do you corral the energy to form a cohesive cone of power? Or the police have blockaded and contained marchers and a faceoff occurs amidst shouting and taunting—how do you shift the hard wall of energy into productive flow?
Magical Activism
Learn the language of energy—how it moves and flows—and apply these patterns and grids to your magic, to activism, and to life. These techniques for reading and shaping energy will help you act more effectively in the world. We will explore ways to identify an energy pattern and learn to use one pattern to alter another. We will also learn how to channel energy through grids and patterns of various shapes. Is the energy blocked and stagnant? Is the energy spilling away too quickly? building too rapidly or slowly? Is the action or activity not creating the outcome you wish? Learn to detect and shape energy patterns and grids that will aid your work. This workshop aligns well with the Occupy, Black Lives Matter, People’s Climate and similar movements, and is powerful for those who would like to detect and shape energy in any setting.
Pentacle of Story
This pentacle is a powerful tool for creating change in the world, finding your path, and for storytelling. The magic of this five-pointed star pattern is that each point is connected with all other points. Navigating from Contentment to Challenge to Trust to Petitioning Allies to Right Action offers myriad teachings and insights, as does starting at any point on the pentacle and following its pathways. Find the secret knowledge embedded in this pentacle once you’ve followed its points back to Contentment and are transformed. This workshop offers a wonderful tool for writers to solve issues with their plot and character arcs.
Energy Intensive
Can you feel energy? Is it real, tangible? Through experiential exercises, we will play with energy so that you can learn to sense it, to feel it . . .to see it. And know it is real. This session is for those new to ritual and energy work, as well as those who seek advanced priestessing training.
Embodying the pentacle
Working a pentacle is a wonderful way to experience energy flow within. It’s also a great tool for problem-solving, healing and getting to know your own patterns. Pentacle magic is one of the foundations of the Reclaiming (and Feri) Tradition, especially working with the Iron and Pearl Pentacles. It is an access point for shadow work, for balancing and sustaining your energy—and so much more. In this session we will work with an established pentacle, and you will have the opportunity to create and explore the Pentacle of You.
Walking the pentacle
Feel and read the energy of the pentacle with all your senses. If you have ever walked a labyrinth, you know the depth of experience walking a sacred pattern can hold. We will invoke a particular pentacle and enter its energy in a sacred way in order to know and to grow. Experience the meaning of being on- or off-point and use this wonderful tool to gain insight about ourselves and our shadow selves.
Labyrinths: Walking the Sacred Path
A labyrinth is a tool for Knowing, Willing, Daring and Healing. You will learn to create a labyrinth in this session. As we walk this ancient 7-circuit path, find its Sacredness and its message for you. Feel the heartbeat of the Earth as we trace Her moving patterns. BrightFlame will retell the myth of Theseus and Ariadne from a pre-patriarchal place as she moves us on a trance journey to the Center.
Talking With Trees: Discovering the Wonder and Magic of Forests
Learn the latest science of plant communication, then put it to practice as we listen to and speak with the trees. From mycorrhiza to pheromones, from fungi to oak trees, learn the science, experience the magic. Be a science geek for the day as we experience how magical science is.
Tree Wisdom
What do the Tall Ones have to say to us? Learn to sense the auras of trees and to communicate with them. Learn to drop and open your awareness, as well as other styles of perceiving and knowing. Part of this session will be a ritual where, through trance and actual contact with trees, we will bring their messages back to the circle.
Journey to the Goddess
BrightFlame will lead participants on a trance journey to the Goddess. Who will call to us? Artemis of the woods and the wild? Brighid of the sacred well and flame? Sehkmet of the desert fire? Oshun of the waters? She Who Is Nameless? What message does She hold for you?
Finding the Horned God
Who is thrusting upwards and greening out? Feel His vitality and hear His messages. Connect with your wild and raw energy as we honor Him. Know when it is time for your energy to “die back” to yield to energy and activities yet unborn.
Water Magick
Through a guided trance we will immerse ourselves in the nature and energy of water. Once we feel water’s energy and properties, we will learn various ways we can use water in ritual, magick, divination, spellwork, healing, prayer. This hands-on session will explore water as a tool, water as an ally, and the qualities of the direction West as it represents emotional work, tidal work, feeling our feelings, ebb and flow.
Pentacle of Fire
Where do you store your embers? How do you get them to flame? Are you getting enough fuel? Working with the Pentacle of Fire will allow us to explore these and other questions as we learn to sense and work with energy, and feel the 5 aspects of fire moving in our bodies. Working with pentacles is a witch’s problem-solving tool. It helps her to sense and work with energy and find answers in a particular situation. to top
Occupy Love
Join BrightFlame on a creative journey to find your core values–what you hold most sacred–and then step through the heart portal with us to create the world we most desire. This workshop aligns well with the Occupy movement, with magic, wonder and inspiration! It was inspired by Velcrow Ripper’s film Occupy Love.
The Old Ways: Through the Millennia
Does the Bird Goddess whisper to you of a time millennia ago when She was known throughout Old Europe? Does She tell you tales of the coming of the Kurgans and how She flew away? Join BrightFlame for tales inspired by the work of eminent archaeologist Marija Gimbutas.
The Crone’s Vulva
What happened when Baubo lifted Her skirts to Demeter? What magic transpired? What vision was gifted to Demeter? Together we will enter the Mysteries. Through trance and energy work we will learn the magic and the power of the crone’s vulva.
Breasts of Artemis: Nurturing the Land
Enter the Mystery of “many-breasted” Artemis. We will explore and immerse ourselves in the story of Artemis as life-giving tree, working with Earth energy to recharge and heal the land.