I don’t feel ready for Samhain and communing with my Ancestors. Plus, from Tower to Star: carrying the elixir of hope.
I don’t feel ready for Samhain and communing with my Ancestors. Plus, from Tower to Star: carrying the elixir of hope.
Join me for a book launch party Tuesday October 8th from everywhere! (It’s online) I’m so excited to celebrate The Working’s birth with you.
Here are my upcoming appearances, workshops, and events. Hope to see you soon! I’ll update this post regularly, so check back.
As we approach the launch of my debut speculative novel, The Working, I’ll post videos about the book. The first one: me reading the opening.
I’m co-offering an online, reimagined version of Elements of Magic, Reclaiming Tradition’s first core class. It begins mid-February.
Always wanted to go to a Witchcamp but cost, travel, time weren’t feasible? A wonderful team of Reclaiming Trad Witches are hosting an online WorldWide Witchcamp (WWWC) over a November weekend.
I am a solarpunk Witch. Solarpunk is great shorthand for how I live and describes my magic, writing, and teaching. How do I express solarpunk in my Witchcraft?
Stories poised to launch, an upcoming workshop, and other news of things that feed me. What boosts your spirit?
Today is the point of balance during the Earth’s circuit around the Sun—the Equinox: a great time to probe the crisis of climate imbalance through CliFi.
I had an incredible, potent, magical time of Wonder and Mystery at Witchcamp in mid-July. In no particular order, here are some things I learned: