The (real) Secret
I began writing The Working when the self-help book The Secret was all the rage. An alternate title for my novel: The Real Secret.
I began writing The Working when the self-help book The Secret was all the rage. An alternate title for my novel: The Real Secret.
It’s Imbolc amidst climate chaos. Cycles are out of whack, and yet our kin in Nature find ways to survive.
I’m very taken with solarpunk, a movement grounded in reality that points us towards justice and a regenerative world. My solarpunk article is up at the Center for Sustainable Futures (CSF), Columbia University. I’m thrilled with its reception and the lovely comments I’ve received, especially
Can you picture a future with scarce water, scarce green plants, no trees? Small and remote insular communities bound together by necessity? Climate fiction is often dystopian because …
A few years back, eight of us wrote this song for trees as part of a ritual to protect them from the ash borer and strengthen the Living Web. I sing this song as I walk the woods and meadow of a native plant sanctuary. Perhaps you’d like to join me.
Today we finished fencing much of the land my partner and I tend in order for the forest and the meadow to regenerate. Though rural, this area has a huge...