The (real) Secret
I began writing The Working when the self-help book The Secret was all the rage. An alternate title for my novel: The Real Secret.
I began writing The Working when the self-help book The Secret was all the rage. An alternate title for my novel: The Real Secret.
A few days back, a tree frog spent the whole day sleeping on our garden gate.
True, they are nocturnal, so it wasn’t like they were taking a break from activities. Yet, I’d been receiving messages recently
I’d planned to write an article about our potent, beautiful We, The Earth workshop. But today, I’m striving for steady amidst swirling and off-kilter energy. Hurricanes, fires, evacuations . . .
I rescued a firefly this morning, giving it a lift outside from the bathroom floor. What would Summer be without fireflies? To my dismay, climate change may yield an answer.
Can you picture a future with scarce water, scarce green plants, no trees? Small and remote insular communities bound together by necessity? Climate fiction is often dystopian because …
Rivers, wild rice, the animal kingdom, and other elements of Nature are People. The right of Nature to exist, to regenerate…does not detract from human rights.
February 1st in the Northern Hemisphere is a time to listen to the stirring of the seeds in the ground. Listen. Deep down. What seeds speak to you? What do...
A sailboat blocked traffic in busy Times Square for hours in NYC: Extinction Rebellion has arrived in the US. While XR began in the United Kingdom, it has spread to...
Blessed Samhain to those who mark this holy day. It’s the final harvest. The time when life force “dies” to be reborn next season. With news of murder, of hate,...
Quick, which women paved the way for your sacred path? Marija Gimbutas. Rachel Carson. Hmmm. Who would be my third? Archaeologist Marija Gimbutas gave us evidence of the Great Mother-influenced,...