Learning From Forest Marcescence February 16, 2025 Beech trees offer a spark of inspiration. Some thoughts on how to be bright, how to catch inspiration. READ MORE Award Eligibility 2024 November 16, 2024 'Tis the season for speculative fiction award nominations, including the biggies: Nebulas, World Fantasy, Locus, and Hugos. My debut novel T... READ MORE The (real) Secret November 12, 2024 I began writing The Working when the self-help book The Secret was all the rage. An alternate title for my novel: The Real Secret. READ MORE Samhain...already? November 1, 2024 I don't feel ready for Samhain and communing with my Ancestors. Plus, from Tower to Star: carrying the elixir of hope. READ MORE Deleted Scene from THE WORKING October 29, 2024 Here's a supplement to my novel, The Working---a gift to my readers! I deleted this backstory sequence from the final version of The Working... READ MORE Party With Me! September 20, 2024 Join me for a book launch party Tuesday October 8th from everywhere! (It's online) I'm so excited to celebrate The Working's birth with you. READ MORE Join Me: Events August 21, 2024 Here are my upcoming appearances, workshops, and events. Hope to see you soon! I'll update this post regularly, so check back. READ MORE I Didn't Listen to Myself July 21, 2024 The Working is solarpunk! I hedged on this tag for the last few weeks. But I talked myself back into the label. READ MORE THE WORKING: beginning June 6, 2024 As we approach the launch of my debut speculative novel, The Working, I'll post videos about the book. The first one: me reading the opening... READ MORE Cover design musing April 19, 2024 This doodle is a placeholder as we work on the cover for THE WORKING, my forthcoming speculative novel. READ MORE Of Witches, Covens...and Dragons? February 12, 2024 I've signed with Water Dragon Publishing to bring you my debut lunarpunk novel, The Working! I look forward to you meeting the coven who mus... READ MORE Climate Confusion February 2, 2024 It's Imbolc amidst climate chaos. Cycles are out of whack, and yet our kin in Nature find ways to survive. READ MORE Learning from the Elements January 4, 2024 I'm co-offering an online, reimagined version of Elements of Magic, Reclaiming Tradition's first core class. It begins mid-February. READ MORE Everyday is Sacred, a Solstice Message December 21, 2023 Two messages came through my hand as I drew the doodle to accompany this Solstice post. One about energy flow across seasons, and one about ... READ MORE Inspired by Descendants October 31, 2023 At this time of working with my Ancestors, I clearly heard my Descendants. What a gift! READ MORE Solarpunk Anthology: cover reveal! October 18, 2023 My story, "Thank Geo," is included in Solarpunk Creatures. While set in the solarpunk future I've been writing, a main character is unlike a... READ MORE Witchcamp from Everywhere, Everywhen September 27, 2023 Always wanted to go to a Witchcamp but cost, travel, time weren't feasible? A wonderful team of Reclaiming Trad Witches are hosting an onlin... READ MORE Solarpunk Influence on my Craft August 13, 2023 I am a solarpunk Witch. Solarpunk is great shorthand for how I live and describes my magic, writing, and teaching. How do I express solarpun... READ MORE Slow time and Solstice June 23, 2023 A few days back, a tree frog spent the whole day sleeping on our garden gate. True, they are nocturnal, so it wasn't like they were taking... READ MORE Amorphous Nonbinariness: Lunarpunk/Solarpunk February 16, 2023 I'm first up in a blog conversation about spirituality, lunarpunk, and solarpunk hosted by Solarpunk Station. Here's an intro to the series. READ MORE Another Story Fruited (as in mushrooms) January 11, 2023 My lunarpunk, solarpunk mushroom story "Myco Macro" is in the just-released issue of Optopia. Hail the fungi! READ MORE Stories for Beauty, Justice, Regeneration! January 4, 2023 Stories poised to launch, an upcoming workshop, and other news of things that feed me. What boosts your spirit? READ MORE Tusks or Tweets? Mastodon landing November 3, 2022 Join me and like-minded others on Mastodon, an alternative to twitter. For now I'll be in both places. READ MORE Climate Fiction | Climate Conference September 22, 2022 Today is the point of balance during the Earth's circuit around the Sun---the Equinox: a great time to probe the crisis of climate imbalance... READ MORE Bioluminescent! (and other writing news) August 11, 2022 You've heard me talking about solarpunk for months! I'm also glowing about lunarpunk . . . or should I say, bioluminescing? I'm included in ... READ MORE How pluckable is your harvest? August 1, 2022 A poetic offering and doodle for Lammas 2022. Inspired by the scene out my window: a bright yellow finch plucking a seed from an echinacea. READ MORE What I Learned at Witchcamp July 29, 2022 I had an incredible, potent, magical time of Wonder and Mystery at Witchcamp in mid-July. In no particular order, here are some things I lea... READ MORE It's Time! Writing and Teaching News mid-2022 June 8, 2022 Lots of news about writing and teaching! Forthcoming stories, in-person teaching, and more. Plus, I dance in Whole Time. READ MORE Crossing the Seasons March 20, 2022 There's a line between seasons. Perhaps it feels solid as a mountain. Perhaps gossamer as spider silk. Perhaps muddy, sticky, sharp, made tr... READ MORE Brighid's Day February 2, 2022 Today is Imbolc or Brighid as many in Reclaiming name this cross-quarter day in the Wheel of the year. Halfway between Solstice and Equinox.... READ MORE Solarpunk Futures: Tilting Towards a Better World January 29, 2022 I'm very taken with solarpunk, a movement grounded in reality that points us towards justice and a regenerative world. My solarpunk article ... READ MORE Lunarpunk, in hindsight . . . or foresight January 17, 2022 To some, my novel might appear to be contemporary fantasy. Yet those in a spiritual path like mine will recognize The Working as fabulism (m... READ MORE Easing into 2022 January 2, 2022 Like a new pair of shoes, I'm not yet sure how 2022 fits. I've not quite landed, nor have a sense of a change in the zietgeist. I'm not rush... READ MORE Illuminate the night December 20, 2021 The moon illuminates this longest night as we sail through Solstice. I offer you a pause, a verse. READ MORE A Sliver Past Eclipse November 19, 2021 The winds are howling today, grabbing at the oak leaves that still cling to branches. I watched the lunar eclipse this morning through these... READ MORE Kin: being We with the Earth September 6, 2021 We opened to our nonhuman Earth kin and explored ways to feel ourselves part of the We, decentered and connected with kin. READ MORE As the World Swirls August 29, 2021 I'd planned to write an article about our potent, beautiful We, The Earth workshop. But today, I'm striving for steady amidst swirling and o... READ MORE Witchcamp 2021: workshops, ritual, connecting August 7, 2021 In my 2021 Witchcamp workshop we'll connect with Earth/Nature as kin. What does it mean to feel ourselves part of the We that encompasses al... READ MORE Fireflies, cicadas, and other kin: a climate change story June 22, 2021 I rescued a firefly this morning, giving it a lift outside from the bathroom floor. What would Summer be without fireflies? To my dismay, cl... READ MORE Wisdom from the Elders May 13, 2021 The Old Ones pulled a card for you: Knight of Cups. They offer wisdom about reciprocity. READ MORE Why a Witch? May 1, 2021 A long-overdue post on why I describe myself as a Witch, despite stereotypes and hate. Or perhaps... READ MORE New moon lift: it's about time April 16, 2021 Yeah, Aries! Since the April new moon, my energy has risen. I wrote 3 stories, penned this blog, co-created a ritual. Lift! READ MORE Of Fire, Eggs and Community April 1, 2021 It's Spring in the North, and like young plants just poking through the soil, many who have isolated all year are peeking outside. Is it saf... READ MORE Approaching the Equinox March 17, 2021 "Your call is important to us. Please hold . . . " What is pertinent right now ahead of the Equinox? What do the cards say? READ MORE Writing in 2021 January 11, 2021 What would be the best use of our writing talents in the coming season? I asked the cards for wisdom to share with my fellow writers. Be... READ MORE Enter Aquarius January 5, 2021 The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on Dec 21st, the Solstice, was a threshold to a new era. I co-created and participated in a seri... READ MORE Saved Places November 17, 2020 Can you picture a future with scarce water, scarce green plants, no trees? Small and remote insular communities bound together by necessity?... READ MORE Litany for the Earth October 20, 2020 Consider: the world needs evolutionary change. Not the kind of evolution that's slow and increment. Evolutionary as in revolutionary, transf... READ MORE The Web of All: Building Our Resiliency May 9, 2020 How are you holding up during these unprecedented times? Resiliency is so important for our well-being and our work in the world. I’m ... READ MORE Beltane 2020 May 1, 2020 The first of May, a time to dance, to weave colorful ribbons about a maypole. A time to celebrate the uplifting, the fertile, the greening. ... READ MORE Singing to the Trees April 5, 2020 A few years back, eight of us wrote this song for trees as part of a ritual to protect them from the ash borer and strengthen the Living Web... READ MORE Connecting March 18, 2020 Humans, like most beings, thrive when we share intimacy. Yet I'm writing this amidst a pandemic, a time to practice social distancing in or... READ MORE Ecosystems are People March 8, 2020 Rivers, wild rice, the animal kingdom, and other elements of Nature are People. The right of Nature to exist, to regenerate...does not detra... READ MORE Brighid 2020 February 1, 2020 February 1st in the Northern Hemisphere is a time to listen to the stirring of the seeds in the ground. Listen. Deep down. What seeds speak... READ MORE When the Earth is Our Teacher December 2, 2019 Picture this: you stand in a grove of trees; rocks, moss, and ferns cradle the massive furrowed trunks that rise from wide roots to soar far... READ MORE Reclaiming the Threads October 30, 2019 The veil is thin and it's time for Witches and various traditions to commune with our ancestors of blood and legacy. Last month at my tradit... READ MORE Ki: Pronoun of the Revolution October 17, 2019 How do we address and refer to non-human beings? Relegating trees and canines to the same classification as a metal table, an it: nope, does... READ MORE Indigenous People's Day October 14, 2019 Mention Indian and some may think of the 1700 and 1800s. They may think all Indians live on reservations in the plains states. They may thin... READ MORE Climate Emergency: Act Now October 13, 2019 A sailboat blocked traffic in busy Times Square for hours in NYC: Extinction Rebellion has arrived in the US. While XR began in the United K... READ MORE The Essence of Me February 22, 2019 Words might describe me. Witch. Teacher. Activist. Human. But none of those are me. Instead, you’ll find me in the space between: the ... READ MORE Earth Rise! with Starhawk November 8, 2018 I’m thrilled to join Starhawk once again to offer two weekends of change-making. We’ll transform overwhelm (grief, anger…)... READ MORE The Veil Is Thin - The Ancestors Are Near October 31, 2018 Blessed Samhain to those who mark this holy day. It’s the final harvest. The time when life force “dies” to be reborn next... READ MORE Power of Language, part 2 June 23, 2018 That Tricky Dark/Light Binary A hair past the (Northern) Summer Solstice, tipping from waxing to waning daylight, a good time to contemplate... READ MORE Power of Language, part 1 June 17, 2018 Think of a hateful word or phrase. Notice how it feels in your muscles, your jaw, your gut, your heart. Notice how the energy of those words... READ MORE Note to Self: Nature Writer May 19, 2018 Perhaps I should be a nature writer. Images, delights, symbols from nature are what I’m called to share with you because it’s ef... READ MORE Thrusting MayDay May 1, 2018 Bring it on up Bring it on out What? Whatever in you has been percolating, hiding, baking, cooking, dormant . . . Spring is the time to rise... READ MORE Writing, Divination, Inspiration . . . and Verse April 21, 2018 Windows on windows Evoke above, below. Sky flows to water. Trees: mirrored columns That draw me deep. And there. There. One bright poking ti... READ MORE A versal Vernal verse March 20, 2018 Versal Vernal Equinox 2018 Sinking downward deep Deep into fecund Earth To heal and be healed To immerse in the vital force Still so buried... READ MORE Of Women and Ecofeminism March 8, 2018 Quick, which women paved the way for your sacred path? Marija Gimbutas. Rachel Carson. Hmmm. Who would be my third? Archaeologist Marija Gim... READ MORE Ocean Recharge March 1, 2018 After a whirlwind few days, strolling the water’s edge at Sandy Hook is just what I need to recharge. Here, a yummy 50 degrees under b... READ MORE Elements of Magic, Reimagined February 16, 2018 April 7-8, 2018 Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit With the art of magic, we deepen our vision and focus our will, empowering ourselves to act... READ MORE Feeding the Sacred Spark February 12, 2018 A Workshop with Starhawk & BrightFlame NYC Saturday, Feb 24, 2018 In these troubled times, our bright hopes can easily get buried under ... READ MORE Priestessing Through Life February 1, 2018 As I redesigned my website, I wanted to segment the menu into the three aspects of me: Writing, Teaching, Priestessing. Writing? Easy. Let y... READ MORE Teaching with Starhawk November 15, 2017 One of my favorite people, Starhawk is a dear friend and mentor. She co-founded the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft and is the author or ... READ MORE Teaching at Witchcamps September 16, 2017 Witch school for adults? Yes, there really are witchcamps, our name for Reclaiming Tradition’s weeklong intensives. And intense they a... READ MORE Class Sampler August 15, 2017 I’ve offered so many workshops and classes over the past few decades and enjoy crafting the perfect experiential, immersive exercises ... READ MORE Change the story, change the world June 20, 2017 That is why I write We think in story, we learn in story, we perceive in story. While facts and logic are useful and important, they don’t p... READ MORE Reclaiming Core Classes June 16, 2017 Elements of Magic is Reclaiming Tradition’s first core class and a prerequisite for the others. Our classes are experiential and are s... READ MORE Water dissolves, roots tear apart, foundations crack April 11, 2017 Be the Green That Grows Through the Cracks, the Water That Dissolves Rock Water is the strongest solvent. Given time, it dissolves rock. It’... READ MORE Writing to Change the World March 4, 2017 #WriteYourResistance Earlier this week — the start of March — it was above 70 degrees in New York City. After dark, still too hot to wear a ... READ MORE Flora over fauna? May 3, 2014 Today we finished fencing much of the land my partner and I tend in order for the forest and the meadow to regenerate. Though rural, this ar... READ MORE Beltane Dreaming April 30, 2014 Fire and water combine to raise mist off the land. Ahhh. I feel the elements so viscerally this Beltane morning. I think about my Craft–my ... READ MORE Filter - All