‘Tis the season … for speculative fiction award nominations, including the biggies: Nebulas, World Fantasy, Locus, and Hugos. My debut novel The Working and my short fiction “Thank Geo” are eligible.

THE WORKING (novel, Water Dragon Publ)
includes: solarpunk, Climate Fiction, Contemporary Fantasy, Witches, magic, chosen family & community, diverse characters incl LGBTQ+
“THANK GEO” (short fiction in Solarpunk Creatures, World Weaver Press)
includes: solarpunk, decentering humans, nonhuman characters, hopeful future, Nature, interconnection
Thank you AC Wise for including me on your eligibility list.
And I’m nominated for an Otherwise Award! The Working is eligible since the five point-of-view characters of the coven include diverse gender expressions and sexualities. “The Otherwise Award celebrates science fiction, fantasy, and other forms of speculative narrative that expand and explore our understanding of gender.”
Please consider my work
I greatly appreciate your support of my writing. It’s all geared to bring forward bright futures. If you can nominate or vote for any relevant award, please consider my 2024 work.
Sharing about my book and stories, writing reviews, and entering conversations about solarpunk are also wonderful ways to help.

A shout out to Kelly Whyte who interviewed me this week for the book event hosted by the Center for Sustainable Futures and the Gottesman Library of Teachers College, Columbia University. She’s become my biggest fan! Soon, the recording of the discussion will post on the CSF webpage.

Lovely that my book is now shelved in the Teachers College library. The photo shows the event poster at the library entrance and, to the right, the library’s copy of my book with the tag marked in yellow.
Soon we’ll post the video of the “Solarpunk, Climate Fiction, & Futurisms” conversation from Easton Book Festival.
Have you noticed that I added a Media tab on my site? It houses recordings of interviews, panels, conversations, and podcasts. I’ll add videos there as they post. Stay tuned!
ps I hope to update my site design in the coming months. It is way too busy, built from my original site that had very little content. I’m thrilled to have so much to offer you now … but the design no longer works!