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BrightFlame’s Teaching
My workshops blend spirituality, science, and activism to foster interconnection and resilience and to help us expand our notion of what is possible. I teach to spur imagination and creative problem-solving for our futures.
In the magical realm, whether teaching a week-long path at a Witchcamp or offering a workshop in my flavor of the Craft, I facilitate experiences for insights to come through, and I model Reclaiming’s ecstatic way of working.
For general audiences, I offer workshops on solarpunk, on narrative and story, on de-centering humans amidst Earth kin.
For both magical and general audiences, my teaching helps us bring forward bright futures and be more effective in the world.
Next up: I’ll be offering “Solarpunk Pentacle: A Narrative for Action” at Sacred Space Conference in March. Info on this and other offerings and events on my Schedule. Watch for online sessions related to the magic in The Working.
Watch for more online and in-person workshops, classes, and talks
If you are located near the Lehigh and Delaware River Valleys, contact me to be sure to hear of local offerings.
Thank you to those who joined me:
- February 2025 “Solarpunk Pentacle” at Winter Witchcamp
- October 2024 “Storying a Bright Future” at Easton Book Festival;
- September 2024, “Climate Solutions in Science and Fiction” with several authors at Flights of Foundry;
- July and August 2024, “Solarpunk and Magical Activism” at Philadelphia and Lehigh Valley Pagan Pride Days;
- July 2024, “Storying Regenerative Futures: Imagining Futures We Want” for the Center for Sustainable Futures summer institute with public school teachers;
- June 2024, “Decentering Humans in Solarpunk” co-offered with several authors at the Solarpunk Conference;
- June 2024, “Solarpunk Pearl Pentacle” at SpiralHeart Witchcamp;
- February 2024, “Elements of Magic: Reimagined” online with Morgana;
- November 2023, “Weaving Connections for Fractured Worlds” with Morgana at WorldWide Witchcamp;
- October 2023, “Navigating a Reckoning” with Juniper at Tejas Web;
- July 2023, “Towards Regenerative Futures: Imagining Futures We Want” for the Center for Sustainable Futures summer institute with public school teachers;
- July 2023, “Iron Bower” with Lilo Assenci and Jynx at SpiralHeart;
- February 2023, “Between the Worlds is In the World” with Lilo Assenci;
- 2022, “Solarpunk: Storying a Bright Future” at both the online Wild Ginger Witchcamp and EarthSpirit’s Feast of Lights;
- 2021, workshop and ritual, We, The Earth, at the online Vermont Witchcamp.
I look forward to teaching again with my dear friend and mentor, Starhawk. Watch for offerings we might conjure on the East Coast of Turtle Island (U.S.).